May 20, 1982
The General Services Administration has authorized the use of this commercial item description in preference to types III and IV of Federal Specification SS-R-501.
This description covers organic roofing felt saturated and coated with asphaltic materials and surfaced with fine material matter.
Salient characteristics:
Shall be of the following types, as specified:
Type I - 1943 g/m2 (39.8 lb/100 ft2) minimum
Type 11 - 2666 g/m2 (54.6 lb/ 100 ft2) minimum
Shall be in accordance with the requirements of ASTM D224
Shall conform to fire resistant requirements of the applicable sections of UL 55A.
Shall be in roll form, width 914 mm (36 in) + 0.7 percent
Area of rolls shall be not less than 10.0m2 (108 ft2) or 20.1 m2 (216 ft2), as specified, which shall be sufficient to cover 9.3 m2 (100 ft2) or 18.6 mm (200 ft2) respectively of the roof surface
The issues of ASTM D224 and UL 55A in effect on the date of the solicitation shall be used to determine compliance with these requirements.
Workmanship. The finished material shall be free of visible defects such as holes, ragged or untrue edges, breaks, cracks, tears, protuberances and indentations.
Regulatory requirements. The offeror/contractor is encouraged to use recovered materials in accordance with Public Law 94-580 to the maximum extent practicable.
Preservation, packaging, packing, labeling, and marking. The preservation, packaging, packing, labeling, and marking shall be as specified in the contract or order.
Notes: Purchaser should specify type and area of rolls.
ASTM standards are available from the American Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia,
PA 19103.
UL standards are available from Underwriters’ Laboratories, inc., 333 Pfingsten Road, Northbrook, IL 60062.
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